CNC Machine Geometry Correction Services

Location India
Service Mode Offline
Service Type Installation Service
Payment Mode Offline and Online

Poppys Automation offers the best CNC Machine Geometry Correction Services. Milling is one of the CNC machining services we offer. This process involves a rotating cutting tool that removes chips from the material when brought into contact with the work piece.

While it may sound very similar to drilling, the two are not the same. Drilling is only suitable for making holes axially. A CNC mill can move laterally to remove material in that way.

There are different types of milling tools to either mill axially, laterally or both ways. Axial cutting needs teeth on the tip of the cutting head. Lateral cutting means that the teeth have to be perpendicular to the circular cutting head.

Factory's partners offer state-of-the-art machinery. This includes 5-axis milling equipment as well as live tooling possibilities.

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